Master's Day was a success. We had 50 people and 11 committee members. I met everyone who reviewed my level three and several other committee members I didn't know. Watching Binka and Mary review swatches was an education! There were some very good knitters working their way through the program.
I took Candace Eisner Strick's Strick-ly Sock knitting class and learned how to do a toe up sock where the toe and the heel are worked flat. You can see my lovely toe here. I need to get Candace's book to make sure I have it down, but I'm feeling more confident. I also bought amazing silk and merino hand dyed sock yarn from Redfish Dyers to encourage me to follow through.
I took a class from Laura Ferson on Scandinavian trims. She is a lovely person and had great samples. My sample is not so lovely but I really like the single color trim. Mine is the white, black and red.
I'm taking three classes from Gwen Bortner, who is amazing. First was a class on jacket fabrics. Amazing ideas for using hand dyed, multi-tonal yarns (which has always confused me) and using a stash. I picked very distinct colors of red, grey and white to bring to class and while it was very different from her work, I am thrilled with how it turned out. The difference between the top and bottom are the order in which the colors are worked.