Over the weekend I went to six stores on the Yarn Crawl. Three were very close to my house and the others were ones that I hadn't ever been too. That is the great thing of the Yarn Crawl, it is the encouragement to get out of my rut.
On Friday I went to Yarn and Stitches, which is close to my house but I had never shopped there before. I had stopped in once to pick up a door prize donation they were making for Guild, but had never had time to really shop. They have a very nice selection of different yarns and brands. I realized that I need a plan before going to a shop like this. I got some black and grey yarn for boot toppers. There were lots of other wonderful yarns but I didn't have a plan.
I also stopped at the Wooly Ewe, the closest shop to my home. They have had a change of ownership over the summer and they are rebuilding their stock and have a great selection. I bought some cool, hand dyed sock yarn.
Saturday morning it was off to Fort Worth and Jennings Street Yarn. I had never been there but they are know for their wall of color where they display the yarn by color versus brand or fiber. This time I went with a plan - I had bought some very cool vintage buttons in Manchester made in the 40's from Maine Green Snail Shells. They are very cool and I found some very great silk/cotton yarn that matches the buttons. No idea what I will do but I have plenty of yarn to play with. Linda at Jennings Street is fantastic and gave out these great yarn bags to the crawlers.
I then went to Knitting Fairy in Grand Prairie. Alyssa does a lot of programs with our Guild but I hadn't been to her shop. I picked up a large magnetic board for holding large charts.
Final stop of the day was the Artful Bead which is a great store for jewelry and beading and they understand how knitters love beads and lace.
Sunday afternoon, I went East to Farmersville, a small Texas town with the brick main street and public square. What a great shop! Diane has a great selection of yarn for knitters, crocheters and weavers in a old store on two stories - balconies, wide front sidewalk with chairs, tin ceilings, vintage clothing and jewelry and more yarn than you can image. The name is Fiber Circle and believe it or not, Diane knows where everything is!
I wanted yarn for a grey skirt and got some in linen and wool. Then there was some more yarn for a different color of boot toppers. On the way to the counter, I saw some Juniper Moon baby alpaca that was just too good to pass up. I will definitely be going back there and probably often. They have a knitting group every other Sunday afternoon that sounds like great fun.
So that was my Yarn Crawl Adventure. We meet up at Jacob's Reward Farm next Saturday for their Harvest Celebration and give aways. I wouldn't have believed it was possible but I think I have seen enough yarn for awhile!