And don't we all love yarn. I'm planning to celebrate all weekend. The wonderful folks at Jacob's Reward Farm have done a huge amount of work to organize a yarn crawl through about 15 different yarn shops in North Texas over a two week period of time. In the first week, I've only managed to hit two stores, but have plans to end work early today and hit one or two and then go further afield on the weekend. I'm going to head west to Fort Worth on Saturday and then east on Sunday to Farmersville.
The crawl goes through next Friday so I won't come close to getting to all of them but will do more than half. Next Saturday everyone meets up at the Farm for their Harvest festival and prizes and general yarn fun.
To date I have been to two local Dallas shops: Holley's and Shabby Sheep. Both are great shops and of course I had to buy yarn at each. That is the down side of a yarn crawl. A little difficult on the wallet!
At Shabby Sheep, I bought enough yarn for a cowl or scarf out of Classic Elite Mountaintop Chalet. It is a chunky alpaca/bamboo in a chainette construction. It feels just great.
So, I am celebrating yarn by supporting my local yarn shops. Such a sacrifice! Have a great weekend and I hope you have time to celebrate with yarn as well!

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