Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

I'm reading everyone's summaries of what they did in 2012 and how they did against their goals.  The message there is don't set a goal of reducing your stash.  It is just not physically possible, no matter how much you knit.  I know mine didn't go down due to the yarn crawl and going to two TKGA shows, DFW FiberFest and Kid N Ewe.

We had an eventful year.  Moved to a new house.  Worked like the dickens at three different consulting clients, until finally joining one as a full time employee in November.  Got my Master Knitter's.  Was published in Vogue's Ultimate Hat book.  Had two other sweaters accepted for magazine publication for 2013.  Won two ribbons at the State Fair.  Survived my son getting his driver's license.  Finished 18 projects during the year - some were small.  Joined the Master Knitter Committee and realized how much I have to learn.  Conquered my fear of Knitting Socks (toe up is the secret).  Hurt my hand but managed to find a way to knit through the pain and healing process.

I had really wanted to be published this year in three publications.  I didn't quite make that but I'm happy with what I did accomplish.  My goal for this next year is to knit what I want to knit - not get distracted by knitting for publications.  My other goal is to improve my skills for assessing Master Knitter submissions.  I was working on one yesterday, level two, from a very good knitter who wasn't getting it on picking colors that go together for Fair Isle.  I ended up doing a bunch of research on color theory and importance of values in Fair Isle knitting.  It was so much fun and I learned more than when I did my own.  If I learned a tenth of that amount with every submission, I would be thrilled.  And my other goal is to get back to my Beekeeper's Quilt and do a hexipuff per day.  It is sinking in that my son will be going off to college in 18 months or so (don't make me do the math) and it is probably the only knitted thing he has ever expressed interest in.  How could I not make one for him?

One last picture from the beach, my favorite place.  Along the coastline, by the remains of some very old and decaying boat, with the state flag hung in distress mode, someone painted this sign.  It translates to "while I breathe, I hope."  Here's hoping you have a safe New Year's and a joyful, healthy and creative 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos on what you have accomplished this year. I have people who ask me why I don't submit things or knit for hire. It's because I want to enjoy my knitting, not do it on someone's time line. If it becomes a job, it's lost all it's fun! As to stash reduction? It's a myth, can't be done!!!
