Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Work in Progress Wednesday

Happy February!  As I wrote about yesterday, all is well in lace curtain land, just slow.  Bleach did the trick.  All we can figure is that the yarn was stained by nicotine from the years of being in my grandmother's work basket.  I'm still coming across sections of yarn in different colors but I'm calm because I know I will just bleach it at the end.

The time off did get me back on my mock cable sweater.  The back is done and the front is coming along.  This will be negative ease.  I'm not that skinny.

I'll switch back to the sweater tomorrow since I'll be traveling and don't want to be dealing with beads on a plane.  Sounds like a horror movie.  I'll probably skip Finished Object Friday - even though I have one - since I will be traveling.  It will keep until the next week.

What are you working on?  Head over to Tami's to see what everyone is working on.


  1. The lace curtain is very pretty. I'm impressed that you were able to fix the issue without even removing the project from your needles! Have fun with your travel knitting!

  2. So glad to hear your curtains will end up being all one color in the end! Safe travels, and have a great trip!

  3. Considering the scale of your curtain project, I'm sure it is slow! Thank goodness bleach worked! They look lovely so far!

  4. Really glad you figured out how to fix your curtains! CRISIS AVERTED. :)

  5. The curtains are very pretty! And yeah, considering what happened during one of our local Stitch n Bitch meet-ups the other night..."Beads on a Plane" would definitely make a great horror film --the beads in question only went all over the garage floor.

  6. Your curtain is lovely! I would definitely NOT try bringing beads on a plane - sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

    I really, really like the color of your sweater.
